Phase 3: Implementation
September 2021 - Present
Implementation of the action plan items has begun in Elmore County
Elmore County Pathways, Trails and Open Space Implementation
Click here to check out the full plan
The Elmore County Pathways, Trails and Open Spaces Action Plan aims to support the County in:
Taking strategic action to increase access to and enhance its system of recreational assets
Improve behavioral health and physical health outcomes for County residents
Why is this plan important?
Despite the wealth of trails and state parks in the County, there are still significant barriers to residents accessing these amenities. This plan provides actionable steps and projects that will reduce and eliminate these barriers.
Addressing systemic physical and mental health barriers is a key factor in improving health outcomes in the County long-term. This plan provides an upstream, proactive approach to addressing these barriers which will encourage increased physical activity County-wide.
Like many places throughout Idaho, Elmore County is experiencing population growth and increased pressures from development. Without intentional development and improvement of active transportation amenities, this population growth signals the potential for overcrowded assets and thus damage to natural spaces and habitats throughout the County.
Prior to this grant, there was no long-range plan or significant partnership effort guiding coordinated improvements and investments into pathways, trails and open spaces throughout the County. This plan provides projects and suggested partners to involve in efforts in order to increase partnership and coordination.
In the 2021 Qualitative Community Assessment, there was sentiment among County residents that improved access to local open space and trails was a priority. There is strong community support for investment in pathways, trails and recreational amenities.
Top 13 Priority Projects for Elmore County
Projects were selected for a number or reasons ranging from greatest potential impact, near-term feasibility, and public support.
For more detail, check out the published plan linked here
Install trail maps, trail markers and improved wayfinding signage
Identify and develop a trail connection from the Mayfield area into Ada County trails and recreational amenities
Complete the hardscaping of the Heritage Trail south of Glenns Ferry
Formalize the “Teapot Dome” trail and improve trailhead access and parking along Highway 20 north of Mountain Home.
Develop example land use regulations that could be incorporated into local ordinances requiring or incentivizing pathway, open space and trails investments
Establish a regional partnership to plan and develop a “Foothills” trail system connecting existing formal and informal trails and investing in new trail infrastructure
7. Reconvene a regional partnership group to further develop and build a Snake River Trail and Water Trail recreational corridor
8. Create a commuter pathway or trail connecting Mountain Home to the Mountain Home Air Force Base
9. Install new boat docks and ramps at Anderson Ranch Reservoir
10. Create or utilize an existing public land trust or management entity for trail easement dedication and open space preservation
11. Conduct an analysis of campgrounds in northern Elmore County and identify potential new campground sites and improvements to existing campgrounds
12. Create and regularly update a website (or other communication channels) that aggregates important information about the recreational amenities available in Elmore County
13. Work with Elmore County, land management agencies and other local governments to formally adopt this Action Plan as a guiding framework for regional decision-making and collaboration
Community Health Emergency Medical Services Implementation
The Elmore County Community Health Emergency Medical Services (CHEMS) is up and running with the hire of Dr. Jennifer Rhoads, CP-C
Dr. Rhoads graduated with her PhD in Community Health in 2022 and holds a current International Board Specialty Certification in Community Paramedicine (CP-C), Nationally Registered EMT (NREMT), National Registration for initial and diagnostic Cardiac Care (NRCEKG), National Registration in Medical Assisting (RMA), and a National Allied Health Instructor Certification (AHI).
Since August 2023, Dr. Rhoads has been seeing patients in Elmore County, and has created connections with community partners to provide an improved access to quality healthcare for Elmore County residents.